You depend on your body to live, and as long as you're alive you can't escape it. Ask yourself this: would you rather have to live with a healthy body or a sick one?
Exercise, besides being one of the best things you can do for your body, can also be an effective treatment for depression and a general booster of brain health.
Kettlebell training
Barbell/weight training
Nutrition/General Health
Proper eating is an essential factor in both becoming healthy and avoiding disease. You probably don't want cancer, so start watching what you put in your mouth.
- Polyphasic sleep is the practice of sleeping in multiple blocks during the day, as opposed to one (monophasic sleep). As long as you practice the more sensible schedules, it has some advantages over monophasic sleep. Although there are some studies that support certain polyphasic sleep variants, exercise caution.
Improve sleep quality
- Relax: A bodyscan is a good way to relax and give your mind a rest from the barrage of thoughts often present before falling asleep, with some of the nice benefits associated with mindfulness meditation.
- Create the right environment: Low room temperature, dark and silent room.
- Establish a routine that your body can asoociate with sleep.
- Circadian rhythm management: Avoid blue light (present in electronic devices) as much as possible 2 hours before sleep due to its melatonin suppressing and circadian rhythm disrupting effects.
- Regular sleep times.